The Page of Hot Girls
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This page is for the hottest girls of TV land and stuff like that. These are all pictures of some of the hottest. If you notice there's more than one picture of each person on here. That's because I had many hot pictures I wanted to put on here.

Eliza Dushku
Eliza Dushku is like super ultra hot. She's seems so dark and mysterious sometimes. She plays the part of Faith on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, she is super ultra hot on there.

Milla Jovavich
She is really really hot in this movie. Milla has had her less hot moments, but she is definitely hot here. She also has the hottest blue eyes ever. I always like a girl who I know can kick my ass.
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Sarah looks hot in this picture because of the fact that she's dressed in all black, blackness is really hot on some people.
Eliza Dushku
Here she is again, she's so hot.
Milla Jovavich
Yes, she is hot, besides the fact that here she looks too skinny she is still hot.
Eliza Dushku
She still looks hot, even with her hair like that, not there's anything wrong with her hair like that.
Sarah Michelle Gellar
She plays the part of Buffy on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She's really hot in the older episodes when she wasn't so skinny. She's hot in this picture, not because you can slightly see her nipples, but because how her hair is and the dark look she has going with her eyes.
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Buffy once again was hotter when she was younger like in this picture. I don't know though, I think I like Eliza more because she's a bruntette.
Eliza Dushku
She's hot once again in this picture. My friends tried to tell me her boobs were fake, but I wouldn't believe them.

The American Pie Girls
In order from left to right, Allyson Hannigan(from Buffy she plays Willow), Tara Reid, Shannon Elizabeth(the hot foreign exchange student), and Mena Sovari.
Jennifer Love Hewitt
I don't know why I put this on here, but she is kinda hot in this picture.
Eliza Dushku
Hotness, sorry that I've put so many pictures of her on here.
Buffy and Faith
They look hot here, especially Faith with her darkness.

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