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I haven't worked on this site in so long. Our Band has come along so great. We'll be starting a site soon and I'll have details on here soon. Later Peoples.

Hi you guitar players go to my Check These Links Page and look for some Blink tabs or just look below to check out my Blink tabs. You should still go to my Check These Links page and check out my other links.

Also if you're a Rocky Horror Picture Show fan I was curious if you guys have it in your area, or just tell me if you like the movie.

The Guys
The Blink trio, these guys are some kick ass dudes. They have everything, they have a ton of kick ass instruments, they get to travel, and most importantly they have really hot wives.

Also, oh no we can't exactly decide our band name so if everyone could help us out, we have a few names and one thats just thrown in there. Please tell us which you like the most.

My slambook is a thing where you answer some questions so people can figure out about you. Just get a sign in name and sign the thing.

View My Slambook!

Sign My Slambook!

Below is my Blink-182 tab/lyrics site. Check it out, some of the stuff may not be finished yet. There's BoxCar Racer lyrics on my BoxCar page.

Blink-182 Tabs

Blinks Shibs and Fans
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That picture up there is a pic of me.
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