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Below is some 'ish that you should like. If not I don't know what to tell you.
If there's some links you would like to see here or a link of your site if you have one or you need something found then e-mail me and I'll put it up.

Look at this pic below, is it just me or aren't Tom's tatoos supposed to be on his left arm. Oh well this pic is probably one of the negatives.

The Past, Present and Paranormal This is mine and my cuz's site, it's about the paranormal. We have somewhat good info about the para, but if you have something you want to know about just tell us and we'll research it and put it on our site.
Anthony's Site This is my cousin's site, it's got stuff about poetry and stuff like that. This is an intersting site because he curses way too much. want to know.
Lisa's Site Lisa's site is just about stuff, such as stuff, I don't exactly know, go there if you want to find out.
Tori's Site Tori's site is pretty cool, she also stuff about um stuff. Go check it out.

My Blink Tabs and Lyrics This is my site of Blink tabs and Lyrics.
Stick Death This is a really funny site, it has little stick people killing eachother and stuff. You can also play games where you're a little stick person who gets there ass kicked or kicks some ass.
Unknown X This is a site about a Punk band in California.
Eric's Journal This is where Eric expresses himself, and he talks about sexual conquests with himslef and others.

AOL Instant Messanger (AIM) Get a screen name and AOL instant messenger, it's free and then you can contact me or talk to your peeps. My instant message screen name is
I ll pinchitdude

Yahoo Use this to search for crap.

Go back up, but take my poll first.8250