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Hi Shib Crew!!!
Well my friends wanted me to write some stuff about them so here's the friends list or everybody I could think of at the time.
The Shibs(Darcy, Steph, Helena, Odin, Kim, Cory, Heather, Mario, Lisa, Holly, Meagan, if I left any one out please just tell me, cuz it was late when I did this)The other friends- Eric, Casey, Tzipora, Jessie, Travis, Stephanie, Sarah, Geoff, Francisco, Briana, same here if I left anyone out please tell me, I know I've left out alot of people but most of them are people I just don't want to put.

Here's a little more info for you guys-

Steph- My secret lover except really cuz umm yah, I love her.

Darcy-Odin's gal.

Helena- The nicest girl you'll ever meet, she's great.

Odin- My best friend since like 1992 which is around the same time Blink started.

Heather- What to say about Heather Umm...I'm actually not sure.

Mario and Lisa- These two make a great couple, they've been going out for quite sometime now.

Holly and Meagan-Holly's Mario's younger sister and Meagan is Heather's younger sister.

Eric- This guy is "SWELL".
All the other girls- This is a direct quote from Eric, HOT!!!

The brown haired girl below is the love of my life. This is a pic of her in freshman year, she is so hot and cute, and has the most beautiful blue eyes ever. The other one is Darcy.


The Rocky Horror Picture Show is really fun and stuff. I always have fun when I go, one of the funnest or funniest things is the person who acts out the part of Rocky. He wheres this gold thong and well it's funny cause he usually has a umm yah. Rocky usually takes place around midnight. If you guys out there have it in your town I suggest you go to it. Rocky here in Tucson starts at midnight. If you have no idea what The Rocky Horror Picture Show is then I'll tell you, it's a movie about a bunch of transvestites from the distant planet of Transylvania. There are some big stars in the movie who probably wish they never were in it, such as, Tim Curry- he's the guy from Home Alone who worked at the hotel, Suzanne Surandon- I don't know what movie's she played in but she made a few appearences on Mad TV, and Barry Bostwick- he's the guy from Spin City you guys know the one who plays the mayor of New York. One last thing, if you go don't eat the popcorn because they made the butter themselves.


Shibby 6108